Wednesday, January 23, 2008


8 Crucial Stages That Make Recruiting Your Warm Market A Daunting Task

As we embark on a network marketing business, one of the techniques taught is to draft a list of friends and family members as mlm leads for your business.

In order to build a solid business in network marketing, it is necessary to have access to a list of responsive mlm leads that are interested in whatever you as the network distributor is marketing.

The problem with warm market marketing is that your friends and family members are usually the hardest market to approach and the least responsive.

Here are 8 crucial stages that make recruiting your warm market a daunting task because of the prolonged prospecting time-line you must endure to get them in. As you talk about the possibility to earn some income with your business, you should be aware of these levels of readiness your prospect needs to go through.

1. Disbelief:

As you first approach your warm market, their first reaction is not to believe a word you say about making money with your business. It gets even more difficult when you do this second, fourth, or even fifth time around. They see you coming and begin to avoid you because they know you're about to pitch them again. Some would even not welcome you in their homes if you don't let up on the pitch.

2. Curiosity:

In the fortunate event that your business survives its first 6 months and they see you're still at it, their curiosity peeks. On occasions, they would ask...

"So how is your business going?"

What they're saying here is...

Uum, you have been doing this for a while, either you're very tenacious or are making some money to sustain doing what you're doing this long.

3. Verification:

As time goes on, they would want to know how you do what you do. They'd agree to come to an opportunity meeting, ask you for more information, or see a brochure, etc. Their mindset is a casual approach as to not to get committed to anything.

4. Surprise:

If they can experience your products as consumers, they might get to realize the benefits of that consumption. Often times, this is difficult because they'd prefer to try the products for free because of your close relationship with these mlm leads. If you can get them to use your products or get them to see your paycheck and if it is worthwhile in their eyes, they will be surprised of your position.

5. Envy:

Besides the money in network marketing, the lifestyle that you can lead can trigger a great deal of envy among your warm market. They've witnessed your development and they do wonder how you could have managed while they were still sitting idle having been skeptical about your experience all along.

6. Respect:

Your warm market leads now have seen how you work your business, have seen the commitment you have to it, and also have seen the time investment you have put into growing your business. They'll respect your focus and your motivation as someone who has done different things with the same background as they have.

7. Anticipation:

Being that these mlm tips and network marketing tools are available to anyone who has the drive to want to build a business, your warm market would begin to wonder if the same positive experience can happen to them. They'd see you as a role model, as someone to learn from, and as someone who can guide them through the same level of success.

8. Participation:

Once your warm market has done their due diligence and are convinced that the opportunity is also open to them, then this is the most adequate time for you to recruit your warm market leads into your business. In fact, they'll be expecting preferential treatment and solid network marketing tips as downline members because of the sole reason they're your relatives and friends.

Approaching the people you know to sell them on your new business is extremely difficult. These are people that know you, are familiar with your lifestyle, the car you drive, the house where you live, and the work you do. It is difficult to entice any kind of response from them when you have personally not created the success you would preach them about. You first would need to prove yourself to them before they would take you seriously.

Because warm market marketing has a longer prospecting time-line, the best course of action is to leave it alone initially and concentrate on positioning your products in the market place. Research where the potential consumers for your products are, how to attract that market based on their own desires and needs for what you market. Promote the merits and benefits of your products to that sector of the market. Once you begin to have success with your business, your warm market will notice the changes and they'll pound your front door to grill you how they can participate in your business as well.

As long as you're still struggling to make a buck in your business, recruiting your warm market is a daunting task, a waste of your time, and you'll end up with far fewer friends and family members to invite you for the next Sunday dinner.

Wil Chirinos is an MLM instructor who helps distributors grow profitable businesses. Visit to access his brutally honest MLM Insider Report and subscribe to his newsletter.Fedora Blog23198
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