Thursday, January 24, 2008


How You Can Help Your Child With Aspergers To Cope With Mainstream School

In this article I want to give some basic and easy to follow tips to help parents when their child is starting at school. As with so much in life preparation is the key and so you want to be taking action long before the first bell on the first day. Before the school year starts, you should take your child to the school for a trial run. Just so he or she can meet their teacher and learn what their day may look like.

This is also an excellent opportunity for you to "scout" around the school and look for potential challenges and positives. Pay attention to things like physical room sizes, the number of pupils per class, color and light issues around the school. You know best your child's issues and mannerisms so bear them in mind when you walk around the school. But don't overwhelm yourself trying to look out for EVERYTHING on the first visit. Just think about 1 or 2 particularly important issues for your child and keep an eye out for things related to them (e.g. if your child hates crowds look at the classroom and break time set-up if you can). If you aren't sure then ask your child before you go "what are the 2 most annoying things about school? or "is there anything you are afraid about the new school?"

When you visit it is a good time for you to introduce yourself to the teacher and let them know that you are there to help; providing just a basic overview of your child and what works best for them, as far as you know. Recognize that the teacher will have a number of children to deal with and that they want to help your child, but they may need to do things differently than you have at home. Let the teacher know that you are willing to support your child with homework assignments or any other projects that may come up. Be an advocate for your child but don't overwhelm the school or make demands on them that make it impossible for them to care for other children as well.

Also try to set up a practical means of communication with the teacher for when your child starts. For younger children this can be a "communication book" going back and forth between home and school. For older children it may mean swapping email addresses or mobile phone numbers with the various teachers that your child may be taught by. In my experience email is the best way as it's instant and does not rely on people remembering to pass phone messages to teachers or teachers remembering to read and act on those messages!

Simple and effective communication systems are essential particularly at High School age. If you don't do this you can spend days trying to get hold of the teacher by leaving phone messages at the school. In the mean time behaviors may have got worse and also it becomes more difficult to understand and resolve problems the longer they are left for.

If your child is to be mainstreamed, they are likely going to need an aid with them throughout most of their mainstreamed classes. This person will be there to help them with difficult work and also monitor your child for overload; allowing them the opportunity to remove your child from the classroom prior to them displaying inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom is only going to make them a target for other children and it will serve them well to avoid that possibility.

So to summarize this article you should arrange to visit the school in plenty of time before the school year starts. When you visit remember to look for potential issues for your child and communicate with the teacher your willingness to work with them (and exchange contact details).

Dave Angel is a social worker with families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum and is the author of a new e-book that answers the 46 most asked questions by parents of children with Aspergers. To claim your free 7 day Mini-Course for parents of children with Aspergers Syndrome visit today.Faythe Blog13512
Fawna Blog99902

Internet Marketing: Tagging Your Way To Success

Are you still depending on the search engines for your Internet marketing efforts? If you still are, then you are going to miss out on something that is going to be huge in the near future.

Tags are all the rage at the moment. They are springing up literally everywhere: blog directories, video directories, social networking websites, etc. They are represented by a group of words in a block, just like a normal keyword phrase. They are easily distinguished by their font size and color intensity i.e if a tag is very popular, then it will be highlighted in bold and in higher color intensity.

So what the hell are tags?

Tags were actually first introduced onto the Internet a couple of years ago. The mechanism of tags is very different from the search engines. For the search engines, they let robotic spiders do all the work. These automated spiders crawl and index all web pages, and thereafter placing them in the appropriate categories.

Tags are very different in the sense that they do not depend on the so-called spiders. They work in a way such that actual human beings can actually place their website contents in the appropriate categories all by themselves without going through the robotic mechanisms of the search engines.

Social bookmarking websites are the pioneers of tags. They encourage members to categorize their website contents according to their appropriate groups with the help of tags. For example, if the topic of your website is on dog training, then you would assign the tag 'dog training' to your site. This makes it much more convenient for other members to find your webpage.

Tags have now become very useful Internet marketing tools for online marketers.

Firstly, since you can do the classifying yourself, you can be rest assured that your webpage will be placed in the right category. This will ensure that your site will be found by people who are searching for the same kind of content. What makes the tagging system even better is that the most recently updated webpage will appear at the very top of the search results, encouraging fresh content in the process.

This is one reason why you should regularly update your website contents in order to garner favorable positions in the tagging system.

Secondly, tags can be very useful substitutes for keyword research tools. The reason for this is because tags that are hot and popular are always very prominently displayed i.e they are usually highlighted in bold and have larger font sizes. This system is also amazingly up-to-date, because popular tags are displayed in real time, and any changes to the popularity ranks will be reflected in the tagging system instantly.

This makes the researching work of Internet marketing experts so much easier, as they now only need to look for the current most popular tags if they are to enter into a new niche.

How can you best utilize tags?

Tags are very useful in many ways, and below are just some of its more popular uses.

i.) Blog directories.

Tags are being used in blog directories to place freshly updated content pages in the appropriate categories.

ii.) Social networking websites

Social networking websites like MySpace use tags to allow members to share their lists of favorite tags with other people who share the same interests and passion.

iii.) Multimedia directories

Multimedia directories like Google's new acquisition, YouTube, use tags to make it more convenient and easier for members to find the audio or video files that they are looking for.

There are of course many other uses of tags, but stick with those listed above. These are new-age Internet marketing techniques that can add an extra dimension to your online business.

It is widely speculated that tags are going to replace search engines as the information finding method of choice of the Internet users in the near future, and the early signs are definitely very promising. The tagging system is much more reliable than the mechanical algorithms of the search engines, because actual humans are the ones assigning the tags, and not robotic spiders.

Another powerful aspect of tagging is that the whole process happens almost instantaneously. With the search engines, you would have to wait for a few days before your content page gets indexed by the spiders. But with the new tagging system, your newly updated contents will appear under the desired category as soon as you notify the system of your new entry.

So as you can see, tags are going to be very powerful Internet marketing tools for savvy online business owners. Get in on the action now, and tag your way to success.

Wyatt Lee is an expert author specializing on the subject of Internet marketing. Please visit his Internet marketing strategy blog at for all the best tips and latest news on the world of Internet marketing.Evvie Blog45911
Verile Blog10451

Turn Your Business Card Into Something of Value

Have you ever wondered what people actually do with your business card? Wouldn't it be great if you could follow your cards and see where they ended up?

Suffice it to say, it may not be where you intended and, the long and the short of it is, your card may not be working for you. As you know, your business card is an integral part of a good marketing plan. For its size and cost, it's probably the most powerful part of all.

The last thing you want is your card tossed into a drawer full of old, coffee stained, tattered and smudged, stack of forgotten cards with long forgotten contacts. Worse yet, you card could even get dropped into the nearest circular file...and, in an instant, it's gone forever!

So it's especially important that your card be one that is memorable and makes a favorable impression. We have all seen magnetic business cards, laminated cards, letter openers that incorporate a business card, sports schedule/business card combinations, and the old standby, the infamous calendar/business card combination.

As a Mortgage Professional you should always be looking for an "outside-of-the-box" original, fanciful or extravagant presentation which can draw extra attention to you and your message. Remember...creativity knows no bounds - except for the amount of money you wish to spend.

Business Card Note Pad from EMBA, Inc. may just fit that definition. It's new, outside-of-the-box, innovative, simple, refreshing, and affordably priced. Using your existing business card, they spiral bind your business card to the front of a forty (40) sheet note pad with a calendar-at-a-glance on the back side of the pad. The note pad fits conveniently in a purse, pocket, sun visor, or briefcase.

Every time people write a note, they'll see your name and mortgage message. It's like turning your business card into a pocket sized personal billboard. Place a pre-printed label near the back which reads: "Call Joe Smith ABC Mortgage, Inc. (123)456-7890 for a free refill," adding even more value and life to your note pad.

If your note card is going to a Real Estate Professional, add a pre-printed label in the back containing Amortization Factors...they'll love you for it. Adding a simple label with valuable information will make your note pad in demand and indispensable.

You can review he details of this offer and how simple it really is to order by going to the following web site: Check out their's first class.

Tom Domin is the author of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter that is geared for Mortgage Professionals. You can sign-up by visiting Blog87169
Vernice Blog10257

Massive Sales through an Affiliate Program

Having hundreds of commission only salesmen can
boost your sales immensely. An affiliate program
is a fantastic solution for all businesses with a
web site.

If you haven't got your own affiliate program set
up already this is going to blow your mind. And
if you have an affiliate program I can guarantee
that this will be a real eye opener. The majority
of affiliate program owners have it set up in a
way that is completely wrong.

Encourage People To Sign Up

Here's where most people go wrong. They set up an
affiliate program and have a links that says "
click here to sign up" and then that's it. You
need to sell your affiliate program. Have a mini
sales letter that explains the benefit of people
signing up. Tell them their commissions and how
they can earn a living without ever having to
create a product or have a web site just by
promoting your products.

Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Here's another big one. Site owners get people to
sign up their affiliate program and then just
leave them to it. It's like they're saying "
thanks for signing up, now go and make me some
cash". That's ridiculous. You need to do all the
hard work for your affiliates if you want to
start earning the big bucks.

Here's the thing. You could write an article and
submit it to article directories all over the
Internet and do very well for yourself. However
if you just had one hundred affiliates blasting
that article all over the net you've just
multiplied your marketing power by one hundred.
This is the key to making massive mounts online.

If you can't write articles etc yourself hire
someone to do so from but do
provide your affiliates with marketing materials
or your just setting yourself up for having a
very mediocre Internet business

Another great method you can use with this is
have a weekly competition. Each week your
affiliate who earns the most gets an extra one
hundred dollars or whatever you can afford.
Mention the winner in a weekly newsletter and say
things like "who thinks they can overtake Joe
Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I
know I've got some great marketers signed up as
my affiliates prove it and I'll mention you in
next weeks newsletter".

This is great. Psychologically you are motivating
your affiliates to promote your products like
crazy to get recognition as being your "top gun".
Often ego trips are just as motivating as money.

Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
I've been taking about what you need to do in
order to earn a serious living online through
having your own affiliate program. Done properly
this could earn you more money than you could
ever have dreamed of. The methods in this article
outline what you need to do to in order to
overcome the three barriers of starting an
affiliate program.

You need to:

Persuade people to sign up

Make it easy for them to market

Motivate them to market fast and market hard.

Do this and you'll be able to create a hugely
successful affiliate program and you'll sell a
truckload of your products without any real hard
work or any costs.

John Harriyott produces a blog, free weekly newsletter, free new monthly video, all with real world tactics you can use to earn a huge amount of money from home.Vikky Blog51675
Fanchon Blog77567

Meeting With Investors About Your Business Idea

Raising money for your business can be very challenging especially if you are not the type of person who is comfortable marketing your business ideas. If you are one of those people who are not really very good at communicating you ideas verbally, it would be a good idea for you to spend a lot of time and efforts in preparing your business presentation to make sure that you have everything under control. When it comes to preparing your business presentation, you may need to the help of a business presentation expert just to make sure that you are able to get your points across clearly. Always remember that first impressions count when making business presentations so be sure to create a good impression in your potential investors.

When preparing your presentation for your meeting with the investors, make sure that you do not just present your business ideas, you should also them the potential profit that you can derive out of this business idea. Always remember that investors are very much concerned about profits so given them an idea of how you will mostly likely to earn and how it will take you to achieve this goal. Be realistic in your projections. Note that the investors will scrutinize these projections extensively and if they found out that you are bloating your projections, you will most likely lose their trust and their money.

Packaging Yourself

Investors are interested in you and your business. When the investors take a personal interest in you, it will be easier for you to convince then to finance your business venture. It is not uncommon for investors to invest in someones business simply because they know and trust that person. On the other hand, there have been cases where investors shy away from a good project simply because they do not like the person present who is making the business presentation. Since you as a person can make a big difference when it comes to convincing potential investors to pour in some money into your business, you make it a point to package yourself in such a way that the investors will like you and trust you. Now, do not attempt to gloss up your appearance. Investors will know it you are being phony so be honest about who you are and what you are.

Potential investors are not just interested in you; they are also interested in the members of your team. If you can bring some of the members of your team with you during your meeting, do so. A lot of investors are very concerned about how your team works so make sure that you demonstrate to them how you deal with the members of your team.

Dock J. Murphy is owner of Plug In Profit and writes on a variety on a variety of subjects.Fae Blog19069
Frank Blog27482

How to Save Money on Small Business Software

If you operate a small business, price will almost certainly be a factor when purchasing new computer software. Although it should not be the only thing you take into account, theres nothing wrong with coming up with creative ways to save money on business software.

The majority of companies (even small ones) use more than one computer for commercial purposes, meaning that they will have to purchase more than one software license. Most major software providers, including Microsoft, offer some kind of open licensing program, which allows buyers to obtain volume discounts when purchasing applications for several different computers.

Aside from cost, another advantage of open licensing is that you wont have to deal with multiple sets of disks and software boxes. You are provided with a master set of disks, which can be loaded onto the number of computers that the license specifies.

Another point to consider in your quest to save on software is technical support. Try to purchase applications from a vendor that offers favorable support terms, including free installation assistance support for the first few months. Once this support period expires, its a good idea to encourage your employees to find numerous sources of tech support, rather than immediately calling the vendor. Internet newsgroups and forums, for example, can be highly beneficial and a great place for your employees to learn.

Jeremy Maddock is a professional web-based entrepreneur who owns and operates over 20 sites, including Blog28236
Veradis Blog68806

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising. However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey. The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

Strive Mazunga is a webmaster and administrator of Internet Marketing Harbour at Visit us for more information at IM Harbour!.Fatima Blog39792
Violante Blog90710

Free Image Hosting Service

Image hosting is a part of most web hosting services, providing hosting solutions for images instead of words. Most web hosts that host web pages do allow image hosting as well, but most times you have to pay for those services, or of those that are offered with no charges, you are limited to the size or quality of images you can submit. Free image hosting however is not a faux promise, neither is it too good to be true.

Why may image hosting be necessary? Sometimes a person might wish to publish a web page, but may find that his server at home or at the point of production is not adequate enough to keep the page running on the internet in order that the published web page is to be continuously displayed, the server through which it is published must also run continuously on the internet. Also, a server also has to be able to support high traffic flowing to the websites that it connects to the Internet what would be the point of publishing a page without the intension of having people visit the page? If the server is shut off, then the page also goes offline and becomes inaccessible to the public. Web hosting is the service provided to persons who wish to have their web pages up on the internet at all times but who do not have the means or support to do so on their own. Web hosting services may be offered free of charge or they may require a service fee, but almost all web hosting packages include free image hosting services.

Image hosting is a big industry today, drawing almost 90% of the audience market. In fact, almost every site wants to publish a video advertisement or a music introduction in an attempt to increase his market size. Most sites that provide free image hosting services however will limit the amount or size of images that you can post. For example, if you have a site that is dedicated to providing ring tones, music videos, large amounts of photographs or any other image in very large amounts or with very big file attachments, you will not be allowed to publish via the free image hosting service. On the other hand, if you wish to post images on a blog site or any other site with size restrictions, then free image hosting is your solution.

Russell Hawkins is the author of this article on Free Image Hosting. Find more information of the subject at http://www.yourhostedimages.comFawnia Blog50511
Veradis Blog13948

How Network Marketers Get Leads and Get Paid Simultaneously

Ever imagined a never ending supply of hot network marketing leads pouring into your mail box as the minutes pass by? Any serious marketer's dream. Can you picture anything better?

Well, how about getting those hot leads and getting paid!

Welcome to the wonderful world of Funded Proposals. A unique method of generating top MLM leads while generously contributing to your bank account.

To avoid "information overload", you probably discovered this but never investigated any further. Funded Proposals are no secret, rate extremely profitable, yet maintains as the most neglected marketing strategy on the net.

Why? Simply, lack of proper guidance and tools (automated systems) for those not interested in building their own websites.

A funded proposal consists of a marketing system that generates funds to cover the cost of your advertising on the front end in order for you to capture there details and promote your business on the backend.

Advanced marketing? Yes. Difficult to master? Definitely not!

Lets take an example. You promote an eBook authored by a network marketing expert sharing his secrets to success via a capture page. Visitors can opt-in and choose to purchase the eBook or to receive a free report delivered by a series of autoresponder messages. Either way doesn't matter as you've just captured a top quality lead!

How many time have you heard the following: **95% Of Network Marketers fail within first 2 years!**

Key Reason: **Running out of Money to supply a constant flow of prospects.**

The days of "Make a list and talk to your friends and family" no longer exist. A great short term solution, but what happens once your warm market is exhausted? You need to market your network marketing business. Period. So if a limited budget restricts your marketing campaigns, get started with a funded proposal.

Getting great MLM Leads is what you're after, but what a bonus having your lead generation making you money.

Best of all, they come to you!

Instead of being the hunter, you become the hunted, creating the circumstances for prospects to come to you. What a great way to position your new team members in the marketplace.

Five Key Benefits:

1. You only attract network marketers and those believing in the business model.

2. They are serious and willing to invest in their success.

3. You make money whether or not they join your business.

4. Get recognized as an expert.

5. Save Time by not chasing after prospects, Time you now spend productively on duplicating and training your new team.

Five Tools you need:

1. An eBook that provides valuable information for network marketers.

2. A sales capture page.

3. Merchant account like Paypal or Clickbank.

4. Autoresponder with a well composed email campaign.

5. An advertising method, e.g. pay per click advertising.

With pay per click advertising you will have your funded proposal up and running in minutes. Even if you're new to pay per click advertising, you will find hundreds of tutorials to guide you step by step.

Most importantly, it duplicates well. There are many other ways to get traffic to your funded proposal capture page, but you want to keep things simple for your team members.

Instead of seeking for perfection with generating traffic, just take action and do it!

In no time you will receive two types of emails: One notifying you of your new MLM leads, the other being receipt of payment!

CAUTION: Don't get sidetracked! Yes, you will earn easy money, but not residual. Stay focused on your business, life and financial goals.

Next time we will discuss various ways of following up your funded proposal prospects tactfully and touch on some other prospecting techniques.

How Much is Quality Leads And a Steady Cash Flow Worth to YOUR Business? George Fourie & Dave Sherwin provide Complete Funded Proposal Systems & Principle Based Guide on building a MLM organization Online. Find out how in Daves eBook, The Art and Science of Attracting People into Your Network Marketing Business. Get YOUR Copy Today! ==>http://www.LightHouseMarketingeBook.comFannie Blog12562
Veradis Blog13948

Your Service Selling Pipeline: 6 Elements to Keep Business Revenue Flowing

So youve launched a viable business entity and now youre ready to grow it by seeking out more new customers. What to do next? Sure, you can promote your business through word-of-mouth referrals, and perhaps some sort of advertising, and even, , more and more likely in this day and age, promoting your company over the Internet. But at some point there will come an important moment when you and your associates need to get out on the road and sell to a major buyer if you really want to grow.

The concept of selling is different things to different people: fun for some, a dread for others, but certainly a necessity for any service business. Direct field selling is a key element for most companies whether they market a pure service or a quasi-service, i.e., part product, part service (such as printing).

As in most aspects of business, your service sales process can be viewed analytically. When broken down it can be seen as a series of sequential elements. When pieced back together, this process will produce a finished and integrated system capable of propelling revenue opportunities forward, culminating in a successful sale for many of them .

These selling elements, in combination, form what is referred to in the marketing trade as a pipeline. At the end of the selling spectrum is the order. At the beginning is the suspect. Your pipeline connects the two. In addition to a life-giving revenue flow, the pipeline offers the business owner two other ancillary benefits:

1. An ability to forecast the forthcoming revenue stream. This becomes possible because the owner can observe and quantify his/her number of prospects, presentations and proposals currently in play that will potentially advance the process right up to the order, i.e., the sale.

2. The ability to spot weak links in the chain. This is vital if the pipeline is running a danger of breaking and is thus in urgent need of repair. What is typically the he most common weak link? Quite simply, n insufficient number of hot prospects, one of the most crucial selling elements in the entire pipeline.

To get specific about all these sequential pipeline elements, lets examine them one by one:

1. The suspect This is a profiled buyer, defined as a firm or individual that could possibly have a need for a given service or product.

2. The prospect This is a suspect that definitely has a need for the given service or product

3. The hot prospect This prospect has expressed a clear interest in buying. The prospects reasons might include a belief that purchasing this product will result in generation of a cost payback within two years or that the prospects own productivity will be greatly improved. Whatever the expressed reason, a prospect becomes hot due to the very act of expressing one or more such reasons.

4. Proposal Submission A hot prospect, i.e., a strong potential buyer, should be willing to sign an agreement and put down at least a token fee or deposit for the seller to construct a customized proposal. A token amount might only be $100 to $200, just enough of a litmus test to affirm the buyers commitment to the sellers offering, though it should not so much as to jeopardize the buyers request for a proposal.

5. The Order. With the signing (or with a purchase order submission), the deal becomes official. Decide here if a guarantee or warrantee will be offered.

6. Program Implementation. The order is of course no value to the buyer in and of itself. The seller must take ownership of the service that has just been sold to the extent that the seller can help the buyer set up the purchased service and get it launched or started.

In the end, the key is to link these six elements into a productive chain resulting in a continuous flow of revenues. The activities required that comprise each link of this pipeline order-chain will vary depending on the type of service (or product) being offered. For example, the seller may need to conduct a snail-mailing or a cold-call telephone search to identify prospects from among the firms available on a purchased list of suspects. An illustrative ratio for significantly-sized orders (say over $5,000 each) might look like this:

50 suspects -- 10 prospects --- 3-4 hot prospects --- 3 proposal submissions --- 1 order

For sake of discussion lets assume that your average salesperson is budgeted to close at least one major new account (sale) per month. In this example, your sales rep would need to solicit 50 suspects a month (10 per week). Depending on the size and duration of the average order, this may be a reasonable figure for a salesperson with an assigned territory populated by customers requiring service.

The pipeline process can also be shortened in that a lead may originate through some promotional source. Depending on the potency of the lead, this could either be classified as a prospect or a hot prospect. For example, a hot prospect has expressed an interest in the service offered, while a prospect is thought to have only a mild or passing interest.

By routinely monitoring the numbers at each point in the pipeline the owner (or sales manager) can note weak links in the selling spectrum and predict growth in new business. In this way, your service pipeline can reap you rewards for years to come.

Brooks Fenno, CMC, Principal of SALESMARK, is a longstanding Massachusetts-based management consultant with expertise in diversification into new products and new markets. To learn more, visit or (617) 536-0197.Faythe Blog13512
Vanda Blog21916

The Difference Between Everyday Copywriting and Copywriting That Sells Millions

Take your average super successful sales person, the person that has brought the most sales to your business (usually its just one). Multiply them by a million, and send them off to visit 1 qualified prospect each...all at the same time. Do you think that would increase your sales a bit?

If you had answered yes, then you now realize the potential of a well crafted piece of copy designed to sell your product.

The ability to write a letter to sell your product/service is an even greater skill.

So then why do so many businesses send out copy, through advertising, mail order, telemarketing, radio or TV ads designed to be flashy, humourous and clever? When was the last time you bought from a person in a store when they were using all sorts of clever tricks on you? Tricks like, play on words, weird images, advanced humour etc.? No... chances are you were scared of a salesperson that was so crafty. It raises the question, Why are they trying so hard?

We are going to call that flashy sort of copy: Everyday Copy because it is seen so often...many times a day. And the copy that sells your product, we will call Copy that sells.

With your everyday copy, you have your English majors, freelance writers, and most ad agency employees. Now, these people are brilliant, they can write so nicely and with such advanced command of the English language that they sometimes win prizes in literature, become infamous and known throughout history as producing beautiful works of art and literature and often win awards and widely recognized.

They use English devices like: play on words, puns, humour and other things in their copy.

But they have not sold your product...

Dont believe me? Key your ads...put in a tracking mechanism to see if people are responding to your will be furious when you find out exactly how many people respond and buy your product. Try it!

Unfortunately, their advanced work is all but lost on the prospect who is Unfortunately, their advanced work is all but lost on the prospect who is

1) busy with 2 kids
2) balancing both a full time and a part time job3
3) has a spouse who is not holding up their part of the agreement called marriage
4) poor diet habits from lack of time
5) stressed out from work with employees backstabbing them
6) bosses criticizing them in front of their co-workers
7) parents telling them how to run their lives and wont leave them alone
8) aches and pains in their body
9) the stress of keeping up with their next door neighbor who always seems to have the latest and greatest stuff

not to mention being bombarded by sales and marketing mail, signs, commercials, sales people, telemarketers up to 3000 times per day.

Do you think with all that going on, they have time to figure out the play on words that was used in your ad? If they dont understand what you said the first time and figure out how they will be benefited from what you offer, they will toss it.

You have 3 seconds to get their attention:

1...2...3... thats it.

On the other hand, copy that sells will most of the time look dull, boring and mostly full of text. Why does it look this way? Because the effort is made to put in as many benefits and reasons to buy into the ad as possible in a way that isnt pushy and in a way that can be tracked to determine results.

Lets look at some examples shall we?

Examples of Everyday Copy.

Actually, there is no need to put up any. Just open your newspaper and look for them. They are the ones with just a few words, lots of pictures and if you feel confused at a) what they are selling and b) how it may benefit you then you have found some Everyday Copy.

Example of Copy That Sold Millions.

The Wall Street Journal Letter, which sells its subscriptions, has been estimated to have sold up to a billion dollars for the WSJ. Also Gary Halberts Coat of Arms Letter (a simple one page letter) has been in circulation for a few decades and sold millions of dollars of coats of arms, The advertisement They laughed at me... sold the home piano study course for decades and has made millions. Oh and David Ogilvys Rolls Royce Ad, entitled "At 60 MPH, the only sound the new Rolls Royce Makes is the Electric Clock" that sold out the entire national supply of Rolls Royces. David Ogilvy used these principles in advertising copy to which he owes his purchase of a 14th century medieval castle.

Some big publishers like Agora and Philips pay their copywriters up to a million dollars a year because they want to keep them...they know that if they dont pay them well, they will walk.

Another example of copy that sells is the National Enquirer and Cosmopolitan. The National Enquirer is read by more people than the bible and Cosmopolitan is also a big seller...why? Headlines that catch a readers eye produced by the copywriters thats why. Are they trashy? For some, yes, but the fundamental human behaviours that they are aiming for is the same as those SUCCESSFUL copywriters that aim at selling to doctors, dentists, engineers, big business etc.

And the good news is that those fundamental human behaviours can be translated to match whatever audience youre selling to.

In conclusion, choosing which type of copy you wish to have is largely dependant on what you want to achieve. If you want to win awards then hire an everyday copywriter, if you want to sell your product, then hire a copywriter that sells.

Watch out for my next article How to Hire A Copywriter To Guarantee Your Product Will Sell

Paul Speziale is a direct marketing consultant / entrepreneur based out of Toronto, Ontario. He has served all industries from manufacturers to retailers, from entrepreneurs to professionals. Besides helping clients, he is working on his own projects. He also volunteers his time for several worthy causes both local and global. You can reach him at: Growing Your Business Through Low-Risk, Optimized and Results Based MarketingVania Blog50130
Valery Blog42590

Small Business Life Insurance Needs

ave You Given Any Thought To Small Business Life Insurance?

What Type Of Business Do You Own?

Is your business a Sole Proprietorship?

Are you part of a business Partnership?

Is your business an S Corporation?

What about a C Corporation? Is this how you incorporated?

Have you taken advantage of the new Limited Liability Company laws?

How about Key Employees? Do you have any employees that you can categorize them as Key Employees?

Small business life insurance as it applies to each type of business is different in many ways but there are also many similar features as well. What we are discussing here is not group life insurance but more specifically life insurance as it applies to the owners of each business and life insurance for the key employees. Let us take a look at each type of business and how life insurance could go a long way in protecting the business itself as well as the heirs of a deceased business owner.

The Sole Proprietorship.

Because the owner of a sole proprietorship and the business itself is considered one and the same one may think that the need for small business life insurance is limited. Nothing could be further from the truth. We put in a lot of time and effort building a business that has to be dissolved at our death. We do want to have this business transferred to a member of the family when we die. How can this be done?

The estate of the sole proprietor can sell the assets of the business upon his or her death. A small business life insurance policy can be bought during the lifetime of the owner the proceeds of which would be used to buy the business. A buy sell agreement, which would be binding, would determine the terms and the amount to be paid for the business.

Let us assume the proprietor is married and has a son or daughter who is interested in taking over the business upon his death. This young person has spent a lot of time learning the intricacies of operating the business from his or her father. So dad decides he wants to transfer this business to this child upon his death. He has a buy sell agreement drawn up by an attorney that would fulfill his desires. This agreement is funded buy a small business life insurance policy specially bought for that purpose.

The proprietors wife is not particularly interested in the business but if the business owner dies before her she will still need income. The proprietor dies. The proceeds of the small business life insurance policy is used to purchase the business from the estate and the wife has full value in cash. She can use this money to purchase an annuity that would pay her an income for a certain number of years or for a lifetime. Of course this decision will depend on the amount of money we are talking about here.

The Partnership.

The use of small business life insurance in a partnership is very simple and straightforward. The ownership of this partnership is in the hands of three partners. For the sake of easy explanation let us assume that that these partners own equal shares. A buy sell agreement would be set up that would state that the partnership would buy the shares of a deceased partner from his heirs. The buy sell agreement would be binding. The heirs cannot decide they don't want to sell. The partnership would buy a small business life insurance policy on the lives of each of the partners in the amount of the value of their shares. The proceeds would be used to fund the purchase. In some cases the policies can be owned by the partners themselves. The results are the same.

The Corporations.

Small business life insurance for c corporations, s corporations are limited liability companies is very similar to that of the partnership. The corporation usually owns the policies on the lives of the principals. Upon the death of a stockholder the corporation buys the stock from the heirs of the deceased. A small business life insurance policy is the least expensive way to fund the buy sell agreement. It is recommended that the insurance is updated on a regular basis and that the buy sell agreement is reviewed and updated from time to it is binding.

Key Employee Life Insurance.

What state would your business be in if a key employee died? Have you given this any thought? In my 40 years in the life insurance business I have seen many interesting situations. Some businesses had no key employee life insurance on their valuable employees...much to their detriment. Others were prepared and things continued on smoothly after the death of the key employee. It is recommended that if a business has a very valuable key employee that they buy a small business life insurance policy on the life of that employee equal to about 5 years of that employees income. Upon his or her beath the proceeds of the policy is paid to the business and used to help keep the business going while the company finds a capable replacement.

For more detail on how to start a business and the need for business life insurance go to:
Donald LusanFaydra Blog48462
Farrand Blog58224

Internet Marketing: Its All About Passion

Vince Lombardi once said: If you are not fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. To live life without passion is living the life of a zombie forever wandering without purpose or zeal.

Passion is the fuel that fires up the engine of personal development and growth. If this vital ingredient is lacking in your life, then its just a matter of time before you become past tense literally!

Internet marketing, and any other marketing for that matter, is all about being passionate about the products and services you are pushing. The cut-throat competition on the internet will annihilate you within seconds if you are not passionate about the internet business. The blatant in-your-face marketing techniques being used by internet marketers are bound to leave you stuck-in-the-mud, unable to decide whether to go home or hit the home run!

The famous artist, Michelangelo, when confronted with a piece of marble, saw an angel trapped therein. When everyone else saw an ugly piece of marble, Michelangelo saw a masterpiece of one of his best works of art. And so, slowly by slowly, he started chipping away at the rough edges of the rock to reveal the beautiful angel within.

The Internet is like that piece of marble. You are the Michelangelo of the internet. Whereas everyone else says its impossible to make money on the internet, your passion tells you that beneath the dime-a-dozen get-rich-quick scams on the Internet today, there is a real opportunity to make enough money to make you financially FREE! You may not have as yet figured out exactly how to do this, but there is this inner voice telling you there is a gold mine on the internet all you need is to find it!

When I started dabbling in internet marketing, I knew almost nothing about how to do business on the internet. However, something kept telling me that there is a real opportunity to do business and make money on the internet. Being from a third world country, the possibility of doing business and marketing to anyone in the world made the internet look very attractive indeed. I had found my gold mine all I needed was to look for the gold!

Before you engage in any venture, first and foremost establish whether you have the passion for it. You may not have all the facts or all the resources required, but being passionate about it ensures that you hit the ground running. If you dont have the passion for it, dont even start even if you have all the resources!

According to Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, passion is an enthusiastic interest or direction of the mind. Passion therefore has more to do with ones state of mind towards something. If you are enthused enough to undertake a certain project, then it means that you have the passion to accomplish that project. Do you see now why I say that passion is not about resources or technical ability?

If you believe you can, you can!

There is no greater power in this world than the power of believing! The journey to success is first of all won in the mind the rest is just technical! Walt Disney may not have lived to see the success of his Disney land empire, but, as his wife testified during the opening ceremony, he actually saw it! How? The whole Disney land idea was birthed and constructed in his mind. The rest was implementation.

Attaining success on the internet is not different. You must first of all see yourself as successful before you can become successful. Most people fail because they start off fearing they will fail. So, before you even start an internet venture, honestly establish the mental roadblocks which could be detrimental to your success. Once you establish these roadblocks, start removing them one by one and replace them with positive believe systems.

A paradigm shift: Changing your belief systems

Belief systems are those things that have for years been drummed into your mind consciously or unconsciously such that you now automatically accept them as absolute truths. Any other system of belief that flies contrary to your system of belief is automatically ejected (consciously or unconsciously) by your mind.

Before Christopher Columbus discovered that the earth was round, everyone else hitherto took it for granted that the earth was flat. With his momentous discovery, Columbus was able to effectively shift the people from their earlier system of belief (that the earth was flat), to the new-found belief system. Im sure it was not easy to convince everyone that the earth was round! However, because he was passionate about his discovery, it was not difficult to demonstrate to all and sundry the naysayer included that the earth was indeed round!

If you are already fired up with passion, then you have already made the crucial paradigm shift. Now lay out a plan and get your tools out; and start toiling! Someone said it will work if you work it. Work it! However, if your mind is still etched in the realm of impossibilities and Im-not-sure-I-can-make-it syndrome, then its time to reevaluate your long-held values and start replacing them with the infinite possibilities of success. As you practice this everyday, you will soon realize that what you thought as unattainable is well within your reach.

Innocent Mwangi Gathungu is a motivational and inspirational writer and speaker. For more information and other articles like this one, visit his websites at and at Blog61217
Feliza Blog60990

How You Can Help Your Child With Aspergers To Cope With Mainstream School

In this article I want to give some basic and easy to follow tips to help parents when their child is starting at school. As with so much in life preparation is the key and so you want to be taking action long before the first bell on the first day. Before the school year starts, you should take your child to the school for a trial run. Just so he or she can meet their teacher and learn what their day may look like.

This is also an excellent opportunity for you to "scout" around the school and look for potential challenges and positives. Pay attention to things like physical room sizes, the number of pupils per class, color and light issues around the school. You know best your child's issues and mannerisms so bear them in mind when you walk around the school. But don't overwhelm yourself trying to look out for EVERYTHING on the first visit. Just think about 1 or 2 particularly important issues for your child and keep an eye out for things related to them (e.g. if your child hates crowds look at the classroom and break time set-up if you can). If you aren't sure then ask your child before you go "what are the 2 most annoying things about school? or "is there anything you are afraid about the new school?"

When you visit it is a good time for you to introduce yourself to the teacher and let them know that you are there to help; providing just a basic overview of your child and what works best for them, as far as you know. Recognize that the teacher will have a number of children to deal with and that they want to help your child, but they may need to do things differently than you have at home. Let the teacher know that you are willing to support your child with homework assignments or any other projects that may come up. Be an advocate for your child but don't overwhelm the school or make demands on them that make it impossible for them to care for other children as well.

Also try to set up a practical means of communication with the teacher for when your child starts. For younger children this can be a "communication book" going back and forth between home and school. For older children it may mean swapping email addresses or mobile phone numbers with the various teachers that your child may be taught by. In my experience email is the best way as it's instant and does not rely on people remembering to pass phone messages to teachers or teachers remembering to read and act on those messages!

Simple and effective communication systems are essential particularly at High School age. If you don't do this you can spend days trying to get hold of the teacher by leaving phone messages at the school. In the mean time behaviors may have got worse and also it becomes more difficult to understand and resolve problems the longer they are left for.

If your child is to be mainstreamed, they are likely going to need an aid with them throughout most of their mainstreamed classes. This person will be there to help them with difficult work and also monitor your child for overload; allowing them the opportunity to remove your child from the classroom prior to them displaying inappropriate behavior. Inappropriate behavior in the classroom is only going to make them a target for other children and it will serve them well to avoid that possibility.

So to summarize this article you should arrange to visit the school in plenty of time before the school year starts. When you visit remember to look for potential issues for your child and communicate with the teacher your willingness to work with them (and exchange contact details).

Dave Angel is a social worker with families who have children on the Autistic Spectrum and is the author of a new e-book that answers the 46 most asked questions by parents of children with Aspergers. To claim your free 7 day Mini-Course for parents of children with Aspergers Syndrome visit today.Vinnie Blog1761
Vicky Blog68376

Search Engine Marketing Tips Can Help Your Online Business Reach New Heights

Search engine marketing is the base for the success of any online venture. And keyword research is the basis of doing successful search engine marketing. Basically, search engine marketing is nothing but all the different marketing strategies that are adopted by online sites to market their goods and services in major search engines on the web. Compared to the other traditional methods of marketing, search engine marketing has been found to be the most successful and effective marketing strategies for any online products.

So if you are into online buying and selling of goods, search engine marketing is what you should be doing and search engine marketing tips are the guide that you can use for this. Search engine tips can guide you in the proper direction for the marketing of your product in major search engines on the web. So all you need to do is identify what search engine marketing strategies will best suit your market.

More than 95% of online visitors seek the help of search engines to find out anything on the web. Well I am not saying this, but a research by a major institution says it and you need to take special notice of this, if you want to succeed in your online business. All your business and marketing strategies must be aimed at bombarding your target audience with lots of information about your product. So search engines become your automatic choice for advertising your product on the web.

To advertise about your product on the web, it is very important for you to find out the appropriate keywords using which you want customers to buy goods from your online site. To search for anything on search engines, you need to type in a phrase and based on this the results will be displayed to you. To succeed on the web, you need to find out what words visitors make use of to find your products and services.

Keyword research is an integral part of search engine marketing strategy. You can have the best strategies, the most innovative ideas, but this will come to a naught if you do not find out the right keywords to advertise your products. It may happen that you advertise your site using a particular word and the visitor actually uses different words to search for your products. So, it is crucial to find out visitor activity to know exactly what visitors look on the web.

If you feel that you will not be able to handle the search engine marketing of your business despite knowing all the search engine marketing tips, your best bet is to hire the services of a professional to do the work for you. There are several search engines marketing firm that will do the work for you flawlessly. You can sit back and enjoy the benefits of such search engine marketing firms.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, Affiliated Marketing,website promotion online and Organic search engine optimization.To get his search engine marketing tips for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit Blog51675
Fatima Blog7954

Article Marketing Domination Review

My favorite free Internet marketing strategy is article marketing. I've been using this technique since 1995 online and offline with great success. Many e-books (including mine) cover this topic but Article Marketing Domination goes one step further to maximize your article marketing efforts.

Article Marketing Domination by Joshua Spaulding is unique in that it focuses on advanced strategies for article marketers with some experience. Joshua is the CEO of Spaulding Marketing, Inc. an internet marketing firm that provides top-notch marketing services to small business owners.

The chapters of this 29 page, single spaced e-book include:

About The Author
What You Must Know
Effective Article Creation
Effective Article Distribution
Marketing Your Article Marketing
Latent Semantic Indexing
89 E-Zines Where You Can Publish Your Articles
Valuable Resources
Closing Thoughts

Joshua opens the e-book by focusing on the changes in article marketing over the past few years. He offers his perspective as an article directory owner an as an article marketer.

Joshua covers keyword selection that will help article marketers stress less about keyword use and density. He also focuses on title creation and how to create an effective resource box.

An after submission strategy created by Joshua helps article marketers get the most out of their submissions. This strategy is truly unique and worth the price of this e-book.

Joshua closes his e-book with a list of e-zines that accept article submissions on the topics of health, home business, travel and home and family. He then suggests some valuable resources and closes with inspiring quotes.

Included as a bonus to your purchase of Article Marketing Domination is the software "Article Submitter" and an e-book "Write Like A Maniac".

Joshua and I have different opinions on only two points: the importance of proper grammar and spelling in articles and the recommended length. On all other points we agree and Joshua even taught this long-time article marketer a thing or two!

I found Article Marketing Domination to be an excellent resource for article marketers who are looking for an edge over their competition.

(c) 2007, Davis Virtual Assistance. Reprint rights are granted to all venues so long as the by-line is included and all links are made live.

Sign-up free for new reviews by Bonnie Jo Davis at and purchase Article Marketing Domination at Blog49044
Esther Blog56185

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Is It Time for Wireless E-Commerce?

The answer is yes. According to Bill Watterson, author of Calvin and Hobbes, The problem with the future is that it keeps turning into the present. Businesses are well aware of mobile phones potential for wireless marketing, advertising, sales, and payments although many thought this potential would be realized somewhere down the road. But it seems like that future is now here.

Critical Mass

Almost a third of North Americans now say they could not live without their cell phone and these devices are rapidly evolving into more than a mere portable tool for voice communications. According to a recent study [AP 2006] Americans have become addicted to their cell phones, with four out of 10 adults aged 18 to 29 considering dropping their landline service. In fact, almost a third (29%) say they could not live without their cell phone. The mobile has reached critical mass.

Thirty-five percent of those surveyed say they send SMS text messages, including 65% of those ages 18-29 and 37% of those aged 30-49. At the same time, 18% say they have used or would like to use a mobile instant messaging service on their cell phone. Meanwhile, 38% say they would like to have desktop IMs from select contacts automatically forwarded to their mobile device, including 50% of those ages 18-29.

In terms of must-have features when buying a new handset, the top-runners are: mobile maps (51%), text messaging (48%), and a built-in camera (47%) top the list, followed by games (34%), mobile email (32%), and mobile search (31%).

New Applications

The new .MOBI top level domain is expected to eliminate some basic problems associated with mobile browsing of ordinary Web sites, including large graphics and multimedia content. The new standards will ensure content works for Web browsing, mobile messaging, and device compliance on mobile devices. [Sullivan 2006]

Internet access via mobile phones is actually outpacing wireless access from a notebook PC in many countries with 56% of global mobile phone users browsing the Internet or downloading email in 2005. In Japan 92% of users went online via their mobiles. Rates are high in France and UK as well but flattening in North America. [eMarketer 2006]

About 20% of mobile phone users are already receptive to relevant advertising, if done correctly. Apparently understanding the trade-off of ads for services, over a third of users said they would also be willing to provide advertisers some personal information. [Burns 2005]

Podcasting and cell phones already offer a powerful synergy. Recently Mobilcast announced that it will help NPR deliver 45 of its podcasts to mobile phone users. NPR has had nearly 18 million downloads of its podcasts since its launch at the end of August 2005. [NPR 2006]

Mobile Video

According to an eMarketer report, This is the year that carriers, content providers and marketers are sitting up, taking notice and starting to experiment and invest in mobile television initiatives.

JupiterResearch also finds that the mobile video market is expected to grow by roughly eight times its 2005 revenue size by the end of the decade. In 2005 revenues from mobile video content reached $62 million. By 2010, the number is expected to reach $501 million. [Burns 2006]

From a technical point-of-view, the two key developments for mobile TV are growth in smartphones and growth of advanced 3G networks. Although adoption has been slow to date, these will move mobile TV past the pilot stage toward critical mass and finally to mass-market penetration.

A new study from London-based research company Red Bee Media and British digital media research agency iBurbia indicates that consumers will pay for video they value and are also willing to accept some advertising. [Video Content 2006]

But already consumer interest bodes well for the mobile industry as vendors use different business models to try and tap into this consumer demand," said Julie Ask, Research Director at JupiterResearch. "The challenge is not interest but rather finding the correct mix of premium content and price points." In the longer term, adoption is expected to depend more on business models and content offerings than on the technology or devices, [JupiterResearch 2006]

Keitai Culture

We may be only a hop-skip-and-jump away from something the Japanese know all about alreadykeitai culture. Theres more to it than just owning a fancy cell phone.

Mobile communications have become part of popular culture and everyday behavior for many Japanese. With over 72% penetration, most everyone between the ages of 12 and 50 (89 million) has a mobile phone. This may provide a proactive glimpse of our own future. By understanding how a once-alien technology became such a natural extension of everyday life in Japan, we may yet understand what is in store for the rest of the world. [Jardin 2005]

As personal network keys, keitai open doors to other media such as audio and video. They also function as remote controls, letting owners change television channels or operate DVD players. Five million Japanese now subscribe to TV guides on their phones and Sony is offering a hard disk recorder that can be programmed remotely by cell phone.

Cell phones open doors in other ways too: The embedded circuitry in newer mobiles, once programmed, also authorizes entry through corporate security doors and functions as an electronic key for some homes. Once a child returns from school and flashes the phone over a reader, the phone opens the door and automatically sends an email to the parent reporting his or her arrival. [Johnson 2006]

Future Present

Keitai culture is the present in Japan but all signs suggest that its our rapidly developing futureand entrepreneurs need to think ahead.

Considering the growing critical mass, new standards, and expanding applications for cell phones, small businesses can no longer afford to ignore their potential for marketing, advertising, sales, and payments. This is especially true in the case of Web-based businessessince mobiles increasingly appear less a device just to make phone calls with and more a general information, content, and Internet appliance.


AP-AOL-Pew Research Center Mobile Lifestyle Survey, AOL Mobile 04/03/06.
Enid Burns. Mobile Users Will Take a Few Ads, ClickZ Stats 09/14/05.
Enid Burns. Mobile Video Market Set for Growth, ClickZ Stats 03/28/06.
Xeni Jardin. How Mobile Phones Conquered Japan, Wired News 08/19/05.
Tim Johnson. In Japan, Mobile Phones Replacing Wallets, Keys, Credit Cards, Knight Ridder Washington Bureau 04/25/06.
JupiterResearch: Mobile Video Revs to Reach $500MM, MarketingVOX 03/29/06.
NPR Podcasts Come to Mobile Phones, Marketing VOX 03/29/06.
Laurie Sullivan. Mobile Domains For Sale In May, Information Week 03/30/06.
Video Content on Mobiles: Short Preferred, Ads Tolerated, Marketing VOX 04/10/06.
Will the Mobile Phone Become the Dominant Internet Platform? eMarketer 04/21/06.

Dr Paul Nicholls is a regular fixture at where you can find many more ebiz resources for the new or seasoned online entrepreneur: blogs, tutorials, programs and support. Visit us at Blog16229
Vicky Blog18848

Affiliate Marketing Campaign

Some business owners opt to start an affiliate marketing campaign as part of their overall marketing strategy. In most cases the affiliate marketing campaign is only a small portion of the overall marketing strategy but there are some business owners who opt to rely exclusively on this type of marketing. The main purpose of doing this is to save money while still achieving valuable advertising. However, once a business becomes more successful they should consider being more proactive and combining affiliate marketing with other types of Internet marketing such as placing banner ads and orchestrating an email marketing campaign. This article will take a look at what affiliate marketing is and will provide insight into why this is popular and how it can be used effectively.

An affiliate marketing campaign is essentially a situation where other website owners place ads for your business on their websites. These website owners are known as affiliates. It is important to understand how this type of marketing works. In general the affiliates are given code for your banner ad to place on their website and given the freedom to promote their own website as they see fit. In promoting their website they are also attracting attention to your website because of the banner ad directing visitors to your own website.

One of the most appealing elements of affiliate marketing is the affiliate is only compensated when he produces a desired result. This means the business owner is not obligated to pay the affiliate unless the affiliate is successful. Success may be defined as generating traffic to the website, resulting in a sale or even resulting in the Internet user registering on your website or filling out a survey. The compensation for affiliates is generally based on cost per click, cost per lead or cost per sale. Cost per click and cost per lead are usually paid in terms of a flat fee which is awarded to the affiliate each time an Internet user either simply clicks through the banner ad on his website or performs a specific action after clicking through the ad. Cost per sale may result in the affiliate being awarded a flat fee or a percentage of the sale depending on the agreement between the business owner and the affiliate.

The most effective use of affiliate marketing is to actively seek out affiliates with a proven track record of promoting the businesses which they support. Most affiliate programs are open to anyone with a website and it is not necessarily damaging to allow those who are not particularly knowledgeable about marketing to run your banner ad but it is far more worthwhile to seek out affiliates who are quite adept and generating website traffic to their own website. This is important because the more visitors they receive each month the more likely your website it to receive interest from visitors who click on the affiliates banner ad.

Another aspect of affiliate marketing which can contribute to success or failure is the design of your banner ads. It is important to remember affiliate marketing is viewed the same way other types of marketing are viewed and care should be taken to create banner ads which will be appealing to your target audience. This means everything from the colors of your ad to the size and style of the font should be carefully considered to create an appealing advertisement.

Strive Mazunga is a webmaster and administrator of Internet Marketing Harbour at Visit us for more information at IM Harbour!.Eveline Blog13160
Fawna Blog99902

Responsive Email Marketing 101

Are you new to the process of email marketing? If so, you may be unsure how to maximize the potential of each of your correspondence items. Here, weve addressed some of the basics of email marketing that youll need to consider to make your experience both lucrative and enjoyable!

Avoid Deceptive Subject Lines

Many email marketing attempts fail to produce any profits because they start off on the "wrong foot." For instance, if youre advertising a revolutionary skin care product, dont put "It Was Great to Meet You Last Thursday" as your subject line. Though you may have a better chance of getting through some recipients firewalls, they wont appreciate your trickery and will probably press "delete".

Put All Information in the Email Body

Though you may have a fabulous .pdf or .doc file that youd like to incorporate in your email marketing, resist the temptation to include it. Having an attachment of this sort will automatically send your email marketing attempt to "spam" files, meaning your prospects will probably never see your email at all.

Use Dynamic Language

In email marketing, as with all marketing, you want to capture your audiences attention as quickly as possible. Because you only have a few seconds to catch a readers eye, be certain to use words that are active and practically "pop" off the page. Remember - if the email marketing piece doesnt intrigue, the person will simply move on to another email.

Be Short and Sweet

Have a lot to say? Then put your lengthy information on your website, not in your email marketing text. Most adults have a very short attention span, and they dont want to scour through an email marketing item for more than a minute or so. Include a link for the email marketing reader to click to send him or her to your webpage where more detailed information will be highlighted.

Practice Makes Perfect

Email marketing is a science, but one thats always evolving and changing. So if you dont get tons of "hits" the first time around, never despair! Keep trying, reaching, and exploring and youll soon uncover the best email marketing techniques for your product or service.

Mad Vlad cordially invites you to join a tremendously responsive and free safelist where you can build your own email marketing empire quickly and easily. http://madvlad.comValentina Blog86755
Fayina Blog95738

How To Become A Network Marketing Business Megastar

We know that 5% of network marketing businesses succeed and in time people can make so much money that they qualify for being listed within the top one-tenth of one percent of all the earners in the world. So it is natural to assume that to grow your network marketing business to equal a global conglomerate, you have to be or become some super human-being. In most other occupations this is true. For example, take a look at the super stardom and super wealth of top athletics.

In athletics, various factors play a significant role in success. Success at the very elevated levels leads to mega-wealth. The athlete needs the basic physical body as the foundation to build on which is developed by training over many years, gradually conditioning everything, including the mental processes, to operate competitively.

A team of trainers, coaches and medical experts assist in the preparation. If the athlete and the support team do their jobs correctly, the result is success. Sponsorship and promotion offers flood in and the athlete can enjoy the trappings of mega-wealth.

But what happens if you fail to reach mega-stardom. Records of the mediocre athletes show lives beset by lack of money and support and a dreams that endure a few short years instead of decades or more. This pattern although transparent in sport, athletics, entertainment and others, is common to most walks of life. In network marketing the situation of being barred from super-stardom and mega-wealth, just because you are "average" is simple to overcome.

Every day of every year, a network marketing superstar rises to prominence. Their super-stardom is not because of the opportunity they have joined, their sponsor, their training, company or luck. It is because of themselves. That superstar was waiting to be found. That superstar wanted to be a superstar who had the drive, the natural skills, or the desire to acquire any skills needed. Somebody just happened to offer them the vehicle they needed. Somebody had to sponsor them. It could have been you.

All you have to do is to sponsor a few into your team. To sponsor a super-star or five! keep sponsoring and the law of averages will work in your favour and eventually deliver, meaning you will sponsor a superstar. Keep sponsoring after that and you will eventually sponsor more superstars.

At a very large rally an elderly lady was recognised for being a superstar. There was nothing outstanding about her. She wasn't charismatic, stunningly good looking, a captivating speaker, or a leader. She was average - she knew it, and she admitted it. Her success was down to sponsoring enough people into her team to have sponsored five members who were outstanding, charismatic, good looking, captivating speakers, leaders and superstars. That's what will give you, Mr. and Mrs. Average, a successful superstar lifestyle with your network marketing business?

Gordon Milton is a successful internet marketer who uses a completely different, proven approach to building a business. To learn more, visit: http://www.gotitfigured.wsValry Blog42580
Felicdad Blog63844

1000 New Catastrophe Adjusters Needed Right Now in the USA

Yes, it's true...there currently is a need for 1000 trained catastrophe adjusters in the United States. As a consumer advocate I'm always looking for new career opportunities for the people that have been downsized. So I heard about catastrophe adjusting and went to the top expert in the country, Howard Williams, to learn more. Here is my interview.

Recently I had a chance to sit down with Howard and discuss his years as a storm adjuster.

Hugh: Howard, what exactly is a storm adjuster and what do you do?

Howard: When a major storm or other catastrophe hits anywhere in the country and the claims load is larger than the local adjusters can handle, the insurance companies turn to a core group of storm adjusters. These adjusters are available to respond to disasters wherever they are and whenever they are needed. Working as an extension of insurance company's claims department, adjusters assist the company's policyholders in evaluating and preparing their claims for damages.

Hugh: I think that you have created a slogan that pretty well says it: Going where needed, when needed.

Howard: Yes, that is true and it has certainly been true in my case. In the past 35 years I have been to almost every natural disaster and even several man-made ones that have made the headlines in the United States. Most recently I spent six months in the Hurricane Katrina ravaged areas of Mississippi and Alabama.

Hugh: Six months?

Howard: Yes, I was there in the area for six months except for coming back home several weekends. That is one of the requirements of this profession. You must be able to go any time and any where they need you. For instance, with Katrina I was on the road heading to Mississippi as soon as the roads were open for rescue trucks to get in there. I arrived there to find no motel rooms available in either Mississippi or Alabama. I finally found a condo that I was able to rent in the panhandle of Florida. Therefore I had to make that long trip daily back and forth. So you have to know how to take care of yourself and I credit a great deal of that ability to my former police training.

Hugh: Yes, I knew that you had been a police officer in your earlier years. What other training have you found valuable?

Howard: As you know I'm also a personal coach and that training has been immensely valuable. For instance, in Florida, when I have worked the big hurricanes like Andrew I have found numerous senior citizens who were in a total state of shock. I would arrive at their homes to find them sitting in living rooms that had no roofs with water soaked carpets. Many had no one to turn to since their neighbors were too busy taking care of their own problems. So the first item of business is for me to get them out of that house. I want to get them into a nice clean, dry motel room if possible.

Hugh, you have to learn to EMPATHIZE with their situation and not get caught up in the drama going on. That's where my personal coach training has been invaluable. Most storm adjusters either are too business like or they get caught up in the drama happening. You want to help but you still have to focus on the situation determining the damage done to their dwelling.

Hugh: So what do you do to determine that damage?

Howard: This is where you have to use your skills of estimating and also having a background in construction certainly does not hurt. I have to begin to look at the overall situation to determine what has been damaged by water and what has been damaged by wind. As you are aware as a consumer investigative reporter, there have been numerous stories in the media regarding this with Hurricane Katrina victims. No one seems to understand that certain damages are not covered by insurance.

Estimating and surveying the damage is where it can get very interesting. You may find yourself climbing up to a roof to explore damage and the next minute find yourself crashing through that roof! It has happen to me. Also usually in areas like Mississippi you are likely to find numerous snakes beginning to take up residence in the houses. Not to mention the heat that usually returns after the storm.

Hugh: Well with my fear of heights over 10 feet this is certainly not something that I would do well with.

Howard: That's where a husband/wife team comes in real handy. We find a number of husband/wife teams in storm adjusting. Usually, but not always, the husband will do the climbing and the wife will write down the findings. Both need to know how to estimate and a background in construction is a plus"

Hugh: Well, I'm sure people reading this interview will want to know: 'How much can one make in this business?'

Howard: This can be a very lucrative career especially if you are doing major events like Katrina. I earned in the neighborhood of $120,000 for the six months work.

Hugh: WOW, $120,000 for six months work?

Howard: Yes, when you learn the ropes like I will be teaching at my new school in North Carolina, it is possible to eventually be earning that amount for six months work. And both fortunately and unfortunately, this type of work will not have any downsizing in the near future.

Hugh: Yes, as you know I also own an emergency preparedness consulting business. Our reports from Max Mayfield, chief meteorologist for the National Hurricane Center, are that the powerful hurricanes like Katrina will increase in number over the next ten years.

Howard: Yes, and that is just hurricanes. Think of all the earthquakes, tornadoes, wild fires, wind storms, floods, etc. occurring in the United States every year. According to our industry association there will be a need for 1,000 new storm adjusters in 2007 alone.

Hugh: Howard, you mentioned your new school. Tell us more about it and how people reading this interview can learn more.

Howard: Yes, I have decided to take my 35 years of experience in storm adjusting and offer a two week school for those looking for a new career. Also I will be sharing all the updated information in this field from my recent classes that I have attended. A person taking this course will learn about estimating, construction information that can make their job easier (I want to assure people that you do NOT have to have a background in construction to apply), writing the reports, communicating and working with the insurance companies, etc. For those that would like to learn more they can visit our web site at and after reading if interested can contact me at

Hugh Simpson is a former consumer investigative reporter for Post Newsweek TV and now an emergency preparedness consultant for his company US Prepared, LLC with his partners. He has authored a FR** Emergency Preparedness Guide that can be downloaded at Blog84655
Fredelia Blog12145

How To Get Business Success Part 3

Business Principle Number 3: Check Out The Company

What do you think is important when looking for a business?

Sure, the first things you think about are the products and how much money or sales you can make. Then maybe you think about how you are going to actually operate the business and make money.

In fact, it is easy to get caught up in all the hype there is today in the Internet, especially in the area of home based business and making money at home. It seems that every day there are new get in at the ground floor opportunities, as well as so many offers and claims that it makes your head spin. To add to the confusion, there are heaps of Internet marketing product launches, specials, limited offers, bargains and not to be missed deals that you end up spending money on other peoples businesses instead of making profits yourself.

I know, because I have done this myself I have spent thousands of dollars on numerous home business opportunities and on internet marketing products that I thought were the key to business success. Some were good, some were a waste of money.

The thing that I have learned is to check out home business companies to make sure that they meet a number of standards. It makes sense when you think about it. Because if a company is not managed properly it will fall over. Now if I have put a lot of effort into growing a home business, the last thing I want is for that company to fail because of poor management. As well as the financial implications (youre in this to make money after all), you do not want to damage your personal reputation and credibility, which is a valuable asset that you have worked hard to develop.

When a company fails, people think it is because of a poor product, or not enough sales. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. This happens to small business owners too, because as the business grows, the company cannot handle the details. This includes managing the sales, salaries and commissions, and paying their own bills. And because they cannot keep everything going, they actually sell themselves out of business.
Of course, there are companies that fail because of other reasons, like fraud, not keeping up with the needs of the customers and so on.

So what do you look for in a company? Well personally, I always start off with a bit of due diligence, which is as easy as doing a Google search. Just to get a feel for the company (remember that there are always a few complaints, so you want a general overview). I want to make sure that the company is legitimate, so it really helps if the company has a proper office and street address, phone numbers that are answered, and a help or support desk for e-mail enquiries too. I prefer it when there is a real person, with a name, in charge of the company, so you can check them out too.

To be a successful company in a growth phase (because you want the business to be growing and not shrinking), the management team must look after

* Everything to do with commissions and salary, including taxes
* All legal issues, advertising laws
* Customer service and support
* Training of staff and business partners
* Future planning and business planning
* All computer hardware and software issues, including security and websites
* Quality control
* Human Resources
* Product development
* Communication
* Sales and marketing
* Delivery of products or materials (some are digital but many companies still provide product and/or training materials physically).
* International business
* Admin
And so on and so on.

This is just a fraction of all the things that companies have to do to keep ahead of the game and provide a solid foundation for future growth.

I believe it is very helpful to look at a home business companys track record. If it has been around for a few years, is operating successfully and is handling the growth well..these are good indicators that things are fine.

Janet Ellershaw is a successful Internet marketing professional who really loves working at home. Vinny Blog69320
Vicky Blog18848

Bad Debt? Get Unsecured Personal Loan and Be Stress Free

The future is the result of the past. This stands true enough if considered in context of your financial history. An error committed in the past may hamper your present financial position. Bad debt is also one of those situations which are a result of past disturbances in your financial life. It holds back your privilege of borrowing money in the future. But when bad debt unsecured loans are there, you can still satisfy your personal needs by availing easy fund from them.

Bad debt unsecured personal loans are a perfect solution for people having bad credit history. This justifies that you can avail these loans even if you have a case of arrear, defaults, CCJ, bankruptcy etc. You will get these loans with a low rate of interest and easy repayments because of your bad debt so that you can make prompt and timely repayment.

Bad debt unsecured loans are personal loans that are available without putting any collateral. That means you are free from putting any security against the loan amount. With Bad debt unsecured personal loans you have no risk to offer.

With a bad debt unsecured personal loan, you can gain an amount ranging between 1000- 25,000, with a repayment of 1-7 years. The interest rate is charged depending upon your loan amount.

A bad debt unsecured loan can let you perform various tasks. You can avail this loan to consolidate your debts, meet wedding, medical or educational expenses, holidaying, home improvement, buying a home or car etc.

Getting a bad debt unsecured personal loan is not at all a difficult task. Online lenders can get you loan in a very fast and convenient manner. All you need to do is to go online and fill an application form provided by them. The application will ask for certain details like your employment details, personal identity proof, residential proof and yes, your credit score. You will be required to show your credit score to let the lender know about your financial circumstances. If you do not know your credit score, you can send a request to the UK credit check agencies to run a credit check on your name. This way you will come to know about your credit score. With these few points, you can easily avail bad debt unsecured personal loans.

Bad credit unsecured personal loans not only offer you money at low rates but also gives you a chance to improve your credit score. This increases your chances of getting any type of loan in the future.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. He is currently working with BadDebtUnsecuredLoans as a financial advisor. To find bad debt unsecured loan, bad debt unsecured personal loan, bad debt business loan, bad debt fast unsecured loan in UK that best site's you need visit Blog13794
Valery Blog78866

14 Rules Of Business Referral Etiquette

One of the key roles of management is to build business through relationships. A common way to build relationships is through referrals: with, for and through banks, attorneys, employees, peers, and anyone else who has something that someone else wants or needs. The better you are at managing the referral, the better off you and those in your organization will be. Unfortunately, even though most referrals start with good intentions, theyre conducted haphazardly and dont yield the results people expect. Its often the reason that referrals are not offered. Who wants to be burned? The tips in this article should help you control the outcomes and get what you want.

Everyone has been embarrassed by their association with another person at one time or another. How about that cousin you wouldnt want anyone to know about? But what happens when the embarrassment happens in a business situation: more specifically, when you refer one person to another and one of those parties is unprofessional or just plain screws up? Making a bad connection could cost you money or something more valuable and much harder to recoupyour reputation.

We once stepped into an awkward situation when we referred a business peer, seeking a specific product, to one of our clients, who just so happened to offer that very product. We thought we were doing a good thing, a win-win-win thinguntil we received a phone call from our client explaining that the referred person made a vulgar offer to a woman on the clients staff when she said she couldnt go any lower on her price. We were shocked. Our client ended the conversation with, "I'm not sure what to do, but what he [the business peer] did was disrespectful to my staff and to you. I'm going to let you handle this." The outcome was hardly the one we were shooting for. All we could do was apologize and hope our reputation didnt take too big a hit.

The referral is part of Business 101, and its a valuable way to extend your business connections. Typical referrals involve three parties: the person who wants something, the person who has something to give, and the person who connects the two. Sounds simple and cleanbut as our bad experience shows, sometimes things get messy. So what can you do to facilitate successful referrals? That depends on which of the three roles youre playing. Here they are.

The person who wants something. If someone connects you to another party, remember to:

1.respect relationships that others have developed. Consider it your way of saying thanks to the person who made the connection.

2.stay professional and avoid being too casual or friendly. A referral ONLY opens a door of opportunity. Youre still responsible for building your own relationship.

3.conduct yourself in a way that honors the referrer. Your actions represent yourself AND the person who gave you the referral.

4.leave foul language at the door. Everyone has a different tolerance point.

5.keep ethics above board. To do so will net you a double win. To fail will curse you with a double loss at the very least. Good news travels; bad news travels faster.

6.check the ego. Don't believe that your credentials, awards, accomplishments and the referral impress everyone so much that you can leave your manners at the door.

The person who has something to give. If someone sends business your way, make sure you:

1.deliver what you promise, and promise only what you KNOW you can deliver. If you find that you cant help out, be honest about it and say thank you.

2.make good on any mistakes that occur. People understand that errors happen. Keep both of the other two parties interests in mind when taking responsibility for those errors.

3.if you want to keep the referral business pouring in, make sure you meet or exceed the expectations of the person doing the referring. Hint: theyre expecting you to make them look good.

4.never bad mouth the person who referred the business or the one providing the service. What you say will almost surely get back to them.

The person who connects the two. Before you connect one person to another, make sure you:

1.know whom youre dealing with. Only connect people who will show you in a good lightthat goes for the person who wants something as well as the one who has something to give.

2.arent connecting people for the soul purpose of getting reciprocal referrals. A client in Boston complained about giving out referrals but rarely getting them in return. Instead of expecting referrals, he learned that the real value came back to him in the form of strengthened business relationships with others.

3.kick off the transaction in a professional fashion. Whether by telephone, email, or in person, set a tone of respect by introducing each person as a respected professional.

4.butt out when you see the relationship blossom. Chalk up the connection as another success and move on.

Referral etiquette is basically pretty simple. Behave yourself, respect others, and do the right thing. Then make sure you deal only with those who do the same. The combination is a winning formula for building new business relationships and strengthening old ones.

© David and Lorrie Goldsmith

David and Lorrie Goldsmith are managing partners of a firm that offers consulting and speaking services internationally.David was named by Successful Meetings as one of the 26 Hottest Speakers in the Industry. More information at http://www.keynoteresource.comVeradis Blog13948
Eveline Blog53272
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